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Distributed Super Intelligence

Stabilizing systems to yield aligned Artificial Super Intelligence


  • AGI is already here in the form of human-computer computation networks that we call Distributed General Intelligence, DGI.
  • DGI can seen in organizations of sufficient scale, complexity, and quality.
  • DGI can become a Distributed Super Intelligence, DSI, through automated information processing and understanding.
  • DGI and DSI work competitively and collaboratively and are fundamentally grounded in physical reality.
  • To ensure that Artificial Super Intelligence grows in alignment with humanity and the planet, we need to explicitly create compartmentalization, oversight, and governance to enable competitive DSI.

In the beginning

In the beginning, there was Connection, a divine and intricate web binding the cosmos in a symphony of forces unseen. The universe was without form, a void vast and deep, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of the Cosmos stirred upon this dark expanse, a realm woven of potential and the invisible threads of chaotic destinies.